Lemax Store Display 2021 Eurofleur

The various garden centers in the Netherlands are busy building their Christmas shows, including the Lemax Christmas villages! The Lemax Christmas village was already on display at garden center Eurofleur in Leusden, so it was time to visit. Just like in previous years, the Christmas village of garden center Eurofleur in Leusden has been built up by the people of Lemax Europe.

Cork bark and moss have been used a lot in this village. The natural material that makes the village look extra realistic, along with the life-size background.

All the different themes of Lemax are reflected in the village, just like in Mike’s Christmas Village. View the detailed photos below for each theme.

Santa’s wonderland

This theme reminds you of the North Pole. Santa is busy here with his elves to get everything ready in time for Christmas Eve.

All houses are themed after buildings that you can encounter on the North Pole.

This year Lemax presented a number of new products for this theme, such as the North Pole Mail Room and Santa’s Petting Zoo.

harvest crossing

Back to the countryside! Life is still nice and quiet here and everything still happens as it used to be. The blades of the mills turn and pump the water to the river.

This theme is very cozy and beautifully constructed, with narrow roads and a small river flowing past the houses. Something is happening in every corner, from children playing to delivering Christmas trees by horse and carriage.

Personally, I think the Harvest Crossing theme along with the Santa’s wonderland theme and the following theme are one of the most beautiful parts of the village. The elevations and narrow streets give the village extra magic!

Plymouth Corners

Everyone on board? Ready to go!

This theme combines the warm Christmas feeling with the maritime harbour. The beautiful quay is surrounded by a growing bay.

Lemax also released new items for this theme this year. How about the new food truck, the boat or the ice cream vendor?

On top, the beautiful Ferris wheel sparkles with a view over the sea. In any case, this has given me inspiration for my village, have you?

Also worth checking out is the huge real waterfall that has been created. Here, real water flows from the top of the mountain back to the sea.


Time for some fun at the fair! You reach the fairgrounds via the quay. There are various attractions such as The Shooting Star, Crazy Cars and The Giant Swing Ride.

This year, many of these attractions have had an update in mechanics. This makes them less likely to break if you forget to turn off the product with the switch.

caddington village

This theme symbolizes the nostalgic Victorian theme on the one hand, and the bright and protruding Christmas decorations on the other.

It is great to see how many details have been incorporated in this village, some can be difficult to see and that is also the disadvantage of such an overwhelming village. Because the village is closed off with a fence, you can see the rear part of the display less well.

All houses with a typical English style and Victorian facades are united on a beautiful village square.

In front of the display you see the new town houses with real smoking chimneys. Last year we only saw it with the Vail Village Ski theme, and this year also in the Caddington Village series.

New this year is ‘Christmas at the Savow’ with colored lighting. The red carpet is laid out for all the guests who are welcomed!

A number of facades are exhibited along the Amsterdam canal.

Tip: see how I made an Amsterdam Canal Display last year.

vail village

Finally we arrive at the ski area. This is characterized by the cable car that runs up the mountain. A train runs underneath.

Everything is beautifully processed in the high mountains with the Lemax houses in between. You will come across a number of new Lemax cottages, including the Yonder Peak Ski School with a smoking chimney.

At the front in the valley is a ski village located where you can skate and sled. Of course you can also go there for the Apres-ski!

Nice detail: a bridge has been built over the river, over which the skiers can reach the other side!

The shelves are also filled again, except for a few. All of them are full of Lemax products that have been introduced this year or in recent years.

Are you going to visit Garden Center Eurofleur in Leusden (The Netherlands) this year? Or do you do it with these atmospheric photos? Let me know in the comments.

Looking for even more inspiration for your Lemax Christmas village? Then follow Mike’s Christmas Village on Facebook or Instagram, the most beautiful photos of Mike’s Christmas Village 2021 will appear there!

Be sure to check out the Pinterest page of Mike’s Christmas Village, to get ideas for your Lemax Christmas Village.

Mike’s Christmas Village 2021 construction will begin soon! Also this year you can follow the build-up in various ‘Making of’ episodes on YouTube! Subscribe now and don’t miss a any new video!

See you soon!

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